Pure Lavender Essential Oil
Pure Lavender Essential Oil
Pure Lavender

Pure Lavender Essential Oil

$19.95 Regular price
The very core of our products, our House and most of all, the center of our passion. It's countless medicinal & therapeutic benefits have charmed us, and we must admit it's a bit because of them that La Maison Lavande is what it is today.

  • Pure lavender essential oil is one of the rare essential oils that can be applied directly onto the skin to heal little (or big) bobos.
in Quebec

Free of parabens,
silicones and mineral oil

Always at least
95% natural

Not tested
on animals

(Very) family-owned


Promotes rest and sleep, reduces anxiety and stress, relieves headaches and helps with migraines. lice, dust mites and other undesirable insects doesn't like the lavender's smell, at bay fights sore throats, reduces itchiness, relieves burns, bites, promotes wound healing, helps control acne, athletes foot, eczema, psoriasis, funguses, etc. Also, of course, aromatherapy.



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